Go Ahead and Shoot follows a set procedure when it receives a copyright claim against any material posted by a user of the site.
The procedure is as follows:
An entity claiming to have their intellectual property rights infringed upon by a user’s material submits a DMCA takedown notice to the Go Ahead and Shoot designated copyright agent.
We review the takedown notice and, provided it is complete and valid, we expeditiously remove the material in question and subsequently notify the user of the DMCA takedown notice and the action taken on their account.
After removing the material and notifying the user, we will then contact the entity who initiated the takedown notice to notify them of the removal of the content in question.
If the user does not opt to counter the notice, we will add a strike to their account (users who accumulate 3 strikes on their account will be permanently removed from GoAheadAndShoot.com).
If the user believes that the DMCA takedown notice was submitted in error, they may choose to submit a DMCA counter notice.
If a user submits a valid and complete DMCA counter notice, we will review it and then forward it to the original entity that filed the DMCA takedown notice.
At this point, the entity claiming infringement upon their intellectual property will have 10 days to respond to the counter notice.
If the entity claiming copyright infringement does not respond by filing a lawsuit against the user within 10 days of us submitting the counter notice to them, the content in question will be restored, and both parties will be notified of this course of action.
If the entity claiming copyright infringement provides us with evidence of their taking legal action against the user posting the material in question, we will again remove the content and reinstall the strike on the user’s account.
We at Go Ahead and Shoot respect and recognize the intellectual property rights of all copyright holders. However, we also recognize the possibility of abuse of the DMCA process. As such, we will carefully review all takedown notices to ensure their validity before removing any content.
Users who believe a DMCA takedown notice was submitted in error are encouraged to consult with a legal professional before submitting a counter notice, as they may still face potential legal action from the claiming entity, even if the content is restored on our platform.
All questions, concerns, and correspondences regarding copyright issues should be directed to our designated copyright agent:
Email: info@goaheadandshoot.com
Go Ahead and Shoot
Designated Copyright Agent
40 Village Green, #667
Bedford, NY 10506 [3]
Relevant Links:
[5] https://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-fairuse.html